
Hi Gloria - your coffee sounds like a delicious and delightful experience! I wouldn't worry about the cinnamon. One point I failed to convey in the newsletter is that even though the amount of lead deemed harmful is less now than it was when California created its MADL, MADLs are so overly cautious to begin with that in the case of lead, exceeding it by a bit still doesn't bring an adult anywhere close to the exposure now associated with harm. Unless you're 3 years old (I gather from your comment you're a bit older than that), 1/4 tsp of a Consumer Reports "Okay" cinnamon should be fine assuming there's nothing unusually lead-y about your eating habits and environment (e.g., living next to a smelter).

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Hey Dr. Springer!

Thank you for another interesting newsletter. I totally missed the Consumer Reports’ cinnamon slap!

I’m an intermittent faster (16:8), so on most days, I consume one meal, usually between 1-9 pm. As an energy source, I enjoy a morning concoction which is a foamy blend of my own bulletproof coffee. The ingredients are brewed coffee, 1-2 tsp of EVOO, 2 tbs of coconut or almond milk, 1/4 tsp of turmeric, and (you guessed it) 1/4 tsp of ground cinnamon (added strictly for taste and olfactory stimulation). It smells delicious and brings back sweet memories of my mom’s homemade cinnamon rolls.

My brand of cinnamon, “Simply Organic,” is listed in the article you referenced and deemed “Okay to use,” but that’s not OK with me. And, I agree, it’s not okay for the neurodevelopment of our children. 😊

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