
Thank you, Tia Marie. I appreciate your enthusiasm!

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….and 15 minutes later a pervasive shift toward hope has uplifted me. Due to time and work obligations, and the inability to speak a response, my comments will be brief. I think conspiracy theories can be national (Taylor Swift) and local (our local politicians don’t care) and immediate (my spouse or employer is working against me to take me down). Mitigating the effects through critical thinking training, seems similar to CBT therapy. I am led to rethink some beliefs, personally and professionally, and as a leader work better to encourage the people I do life with to become curious about their harmful beliefs, and balancing them out between ones that have some form of substantial evidence those that don’t…I’ve lost my train of thought, which is why speaking is so much better for me… At any rate, conspiracy theories heavily impacts policing. Though some theories are based on facts, we have to work hard to mediate or prevent new ones from spreading, and with information readily available at our fingertips, and AI, changing the narrative could be done a lot faster, figuring out how is the challenge. My synapses are truly firing, this brief writing does no justice for the myriad of thoughts I had while reading this article. I’ll end by expressing gratitude for showing up in this space and expressing your thoughts!

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Pre-reading comment. I clicked this article because I am at a pivotal place in my career and personal life. Having been an advocate for equity and change, I am learning about the deep roots of racism, caste, capitalism and much more. More importantly working to articulate the spiritual or energetic or synergistic connection between it all. So before reading, I’m opening my mind, on one hand I’m hoping I read something that helps bring clarity. On the other hand, I too hope to read something new that challenges my thinking. I am only on the site because I was searching my email for a survey from a colleague and statistied popped up, so here I am reading another article. #spiritled

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