As with "MAGA", "MAHA" is an empty slogan, historically speaking, because there's no time period you could point to and say, in some global sense, we were "healthy" then.
It's not even sensible – or useful – to say that we're more or less healthier now compared to some earlier time. In the early 20th century we didn't have ultra-processed foods, microplastics, and fentanyl. We also didn't have polio vaccines, fluoridated water, and full appreciation of the risks of smoking. Trying to somehow combine these and other pluses and minuses into a single assessment of how healthier we were then vs. now is a bottomless rabbit hole.
Trademarking MAHA.... geeze.
As with "MAGA", "MAHA" is an empty slogan, historically speaking, because there's no time period you could point to and say, in some global sense, we were "healthy" then.
It's not even sensible – or useful – to say that we're more or less healthier now compared to some earlier time. In the early 20th century we didn't have ultra-processed foods, microplastics, and fentanyl. We also didn't have polio vaccines, fluoridated water, and full appreciation of the risks of smoking. Trying to somehow combine these and other pluses and minuses into a single assessment of how healthier we were then vs. now is a bottomless rabbit hole.
Just posted my usual stuff with a piece on whalehead McCub jr on trying to trademark MAHA.
When I got to site and the 'journal' is not one I trust, I too check it out.
Nice work but it must be exhausting. I find following the money helps too.
Thank you... this is helpful to see why you can't always trust what you read.